Vagina Steam Package


Series of 5 – 30 Minute Treatments| Vagina Steam Package | $200

How can a vagina steam package be a part of your self care ? “Yoni” vagina steaming is an ancient practice that is thought to be beneficial in cleansing the vagina and uterus, regulating the menstrual cycle, easing the pain of period cramps and bloating, and aiding in healing and soothing after childbirth. The practice can also be very meditative.

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Our Vagina Steam Package will rejuvenate your Yoni  all year round. During the course of our lives, our vaginas and reproductive systems go through a lot. Monthly menstruation for decades, intercourse, and giving birth can put a lot of stress on the vagina and uterus. Many people also struggle with issues such as imbalances leading to infections, painful sex, infertility, pelvic floor issues, changing hormones, endometriosis, and other factors that can contribute to physical discomfort and emotional distress.

The Yoni steam process involves sitting over a steaming pot of herb-infused water, generally for about 30-60 minutes per session depending on your body’s constitution and menstrual cycle history. As the steam rises and the herbs penetrate vaginal tissue, it is thought that the vagina and uterus are cleansed and soothed.

Warning: DO NOT use during pregnancy.
The above statement have not been evaluated by the FDA. The above product/service is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases or conditions


Cancellation Policy: Please provide 24 hour notice of cancellation. Failure to cancel ahead of 24 hours may result in a $50 fee.

Additional information

Single Treatment

$50 for 30 Minutes

Series of 5 Treatments



Atlantis Marina on Belle Isle 

550 Pleasant St., Suite 104

(Corner of Tileston & Pleasant St)

Winthrop, MA 02152




Sunday – Monday: Closed

Tuesday & Thursday: 11 – 7

Wednesday & Friday: 10-4

Saturday: 10-2


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