Haute Momma Facial: Pregnant or Lactating
We understand the need for pampering when you are expecting! That is why we created the Haute Momma Facial for the mother-to-be, or lactating mothers. We created a nurturing facial to enhance the pregnancy glow while providing extra comforts for mom soon to be mom.
Pregnancy is demanding: physically, emotionally, and financially. Yet somehow, women seem to make pregnancy (and motherhood) look effortless. Our focus is on healthy skincare products that are safe or you and the baby.
This is a great facial for our moms that are currently lactating or currently breast feeding. A consultation will take place to make certain all products and ingredients being used are safe for the baby.
Cancellation Policy: Please provide 24 hour notice of cancellation. Failure to cancel ahead of 24 hors may result in a $50 fee.